Queensland Minister for Main Roads and Road Safety Mark Bailey said Section C of the Cooroy to Curra stretch of the Bruce Highway was one of Queensland's most significant road upgrades. Works are expected to start in the coming weeks and take approximately 12 months to complete, weather permitting. Works will involve widening the existing highway between Woondum and the Six Mile Creek Rest area and installing a raised median to separate opposing directions of traffic.ĭedicated left and right-turn lanes will be constructed at the Keefton Road and Six Mile Creek rest area intersections and protected entry lanes will be constructed to provide access to the Gold Nugget Service station. This includes head-on crashes and crashes that occur when motorists attempt to enter a high-volume, high-speed road such as the Bruce Highway.”

“The works will significantly reduce the risk of accidents, particularly crashes that result in severe injuries or fatalities. “Between 20 there have been 82 recorded crashes on this section of highway, including 17 hospitalisations and seven fatalities. “This project is part of the Cooroy to Curra Section C (Traveston to Woondum) highway upgrade, and has been fast-tracked due to the pressing need to address safety concerns on this stretch of road,” Mr Truss said. The early works contract for the Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra Section C project has been awarded to BMD Constructions Pty Ltd.ĭeputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said these safety improvements will save lives.

Media Release: Tender awarded for early works on Cooroy to Curra Section C